MSNBC Panelist Matthew Dowd: If Jesus Were Alive Today, He’d Be A Pedophile Groomer

In the culture wars, liberals have curiously chosen “Pedophile Hill” to die on. Along with insane opposition to Florida’s Parental Rights law, the left insists that children must be taught about perverse sexuality and groomed for homosexuality and molestation. One MSNBC panelist even says that if Jesus were alive today, he’d be a groomer.

Matthew Dowd was once a chief political strategist for George W. Bush who turned into a liberal bitch and analyst for the fake news industry. Recently he was on MSNBC proving just how far left he has gone.

“The entire message of the Easter holidays was love one another. And I have said this before and I’ll say it again, if Jesus Christ was alive today, he would be called a groomer, he would be called woke, and he would be called a socialist,” said Dowd.

The term “groomer” is getting a lot of traction lately as meaning teachers and school officials who encourage kids to become gay and/or transgender but the actual definition is an adult who leads a child into an inappropriate sexual relationship. Either way, Jesus wasn’t that.

What Gospels is Dowd reading because I don’t remember Jesus telling the children that they should go against God and declare themselves a different gender than what they were born with. And really, that’s what transgenderism is: a declaration that God made a mistake by putting someone in the wrong body.

I also can’t think of any Bible verses in which Jesus promoted homosexuality or molested children. Yes, he turned water into wine but he didn’t use it like Michael Jackson to intoxicate and rape little kids.

Dowd justified this blasphemous statement with this nonsensical statement:

“Jesus Christ hung out with prostitutes and tax collectors, He was nailed to a cross because he spoke on behalf of the most marginalized people in the Middle East,” Dowd said.

Did he hang out with gender bending prostitutes and child molesting tax collectors? Was he nailed to the cross for speaking out on behalf of pedophiles? If not, Dowd’s argument is pointless.

Dowd finished this unholy rant by raging against, “A certain segment of our population is trying to capture the faith and corrupt a message.”

Dowd literally said Jesus was a pro-transgender/pro-pedophilia groomer. It’s not people on the right who are corrupting the message of Christ, it’s him. And really, that’s the problem here: Liberalism goes against everything Christianity stands for so leftists try to claim that Jesus was  a gay abortion-loving communist to justify their awfulness.

Democrats got hammered in Virginia because they said parents had no right to object to their children being taught Critical Race Theory in school. Having learned nothing, they are now telling parents they have no right to resist their children being groomed for homosexuality and molestation in school. The midterms were already going to be an ass-kicking but with democrats promoting this garbage, they may get wiped out of existence.