Kamala Harris Says There Are No Religions Opposed To Abortion

Cackling theologian Kamala Harris insists that no one has to change their faith to support abortion. In other words, she’s claiming that there are no religions that oppose abortion, which of course there are. Once again the democrats are trying to remake the truth to suit their horrible agenda.

Kamala Harris drew the prestigious duty of meeting a plane-load of baby formula being flown into the U.S. because the Biden administration shut down the biggest domestic producer. While on the tarmac, she was naturally talking about abortion:

“I’ve convened faith leaders and, you know, for those of us of faith, I think that we agree, many of us, that there’s nothing about this issue that will require anyone to abandon their faith or change their faith. It’s simply saying that the government should not have the ability to decide what an individual does with her own body,” said Harris.

There’s certainly a lot wrong with what she said, like proclaiming herself a “faith leader” and saying that supporting abortion just means you don’t want the government deciding whether it’s legal or not. The big one however is her claim that you don’t have to change your faith to love killing babies.

You do if your faith is in the God of the Bible, which is Christians, Jews, and Muslims. That’s about 4.3 billion people, or over half the world population. You see, one of the 10 Commandments is “Thou shalt not kill.” Despite the liberal assertion that abortions save lives, killing unborn babies is killing and that’s something that most people’s faith forbids.

Despite having a leftists progressive Pope, the Catholic Church opposes abortion and Joe Biden, who is Catholic, has been denied Holy Communion because of his support for baby killing. Most Christian churches are against abortion with the exception of one small lunatic Methodist sect, which just got booted from the main church.

Even though Islam has no problem killing infidels, homosexuals, and uppity women, the religion does forbid abortion.

Judaism also forbids abortion, but they have some weird rules. They don’t consider an unborn baby human until 40 days after conception and do allow abortions in cases where the mother’s life is in danger. So, basically the Texas “Heartbeat” law is based on Jewish tradition. All fo the democrats that have opposed that law are clearly anti-Semites.

Hindus, of which there are 1 billion followers, are very pro-life and only allow for abortions when it could save the mother’s life.

500 million Buddhists believe that life is sacred and shouldn’t be destroyed deliberately, which seems to indicate they are against abortion.

In Confucianism and Taoism, practiced by 15 million people, abortion is forbidden by ethical codes of the religion.

The only religions that think abortion is awesome are Wicca and The Church of Satan. There are about a million people in the world who practice any kind of pagan religion and a lot of them are worshipers of Norse gods, who probably don’t think abortion is cool.

What Kamala Harris should have said is, “There’s nothing about abortion that will require anyone to abandon their faith as long as they are new-age witches and Satan worshippers.” I understand why she didn’t say that because it doesn’t make abortion seem as harmless as the liberals like to lie.