Joe Biden Says ‘I’m Go Be Dough Rainy’

Yesterday, Joe Biden went to Pittsburgh to rally for stroked-up moocher John Fetterman. Fetterman didn’t actually speak at this rally and Joe Biden saluted the Invisible Man but the real fun was just beginning. Later at a restaurant, Biden was asked a question and his answer was so incomprehensible it qualifies as a new language.

John Fetterman, who is running for a U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania has a unique campaign strategy that involves not talking to anyone so the severe brain damage he suffered from a recent stroke won’t be an issue. Fetterman and Biden hit a restaurant for some take-out and a photo op, when the Giant Giblethead was asked a question.

Fetterman stuck to his campaign strategy and ignored the question, walking out of the restaurant. For some reason, Joe Biden came over to the reporter and…well, this happened:

“Sir, why don’t more candidates want to be seen in public with you like Mr. Fetterman?” a reporter asked Biden.

After some careful consideration, Biden replied, “Ver ver, what are you talking about?”

It’s interesting that Biden asked “what are you talking about” given what came out of his mouth next. The reporter listed off some democrat candidates who have stated they don’t want Biden campaigning for them and then Joe said:

“No, there buh sixteen rabbo door ray dee gahn in for yeah and a lot more verrats, another 20 or so,” Biden said.


“I’m go be dough rainy,” added Biden.

Transcribing Joe Biden is the hardest thing I do at Def-Con News but this one was a real mother*cker. It took a while, but I am satisfied that my transcription is accurate.

Given the question and the fact that Biden slipped some numbers in between his nonsense, I’m going to assume he was trying to say that he has campaigned for 16 democrats and will do so for another 20.

Early in the day, Biden flipped out on a couple of reporters, one of who asked Joe a similar question about democrats not wanted his endorsement.

Putting these two questions together, we can see Biden’s medication wearing off in real time. On Thursday morning, Joe was jacked up on his cognition-enhancing drugs and was his normal dickhead self. By the afternoon, he was saluting the Invisible Man and saying “I’m go be dough rainy.”

The funniest thing here is that John Fetterman is purposefully avoiding talking to the press so the voters won’t hear what an incoherent mess he is. Joe Biden, acting as his surrogate, gave voters a dose of incoherent Fetterman gibberish.