Democrats are heavily invested in the false narrative that AR-15’s are “assault rifles” that have otherworldly killing powers. They say …
Author: Brian Anderson
Does this count as Muslim-on-Muslim violence? After weeks on anti-Semitism Ilhan Omar has now turned her hatred on Barack Obama. …
Transgender feminist Brianna Wu is running for Congress again and has announced he/she will be running a smarter campaign. This …
Crazy Joe Biden is almost certain to announce his presidential campaign any day now, but he’s got some ‘splainin’ to …
The Democratic Party is struggling to condemn the raging anti-Semitism of Rep. Ilhan Omar because we all know liberals are …
In the film Machete, Mexican landscapers are part of a secret revolutionary force who can convert their garden tools into …
The newly empowered democrats in the House have come up with a bill that would tilt all election in their …
MSNBC is getting one and so is CNN, but you will not see a democratic debate on Fox News. Tom …
When Barack Obama signed the illegal executive order Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) he shielded a million immigrants, known …
That was fast even for a BS artist like Hillary Clinton. Yesterday she said emphatically that she will not be …