Joe Biden Confuses New Hampshire With Vermont Because Of Course He Does

We can now officially add geography to the list of things affected by Joe Biden’s dementia. He has previously confused El Paso with Huston and Dayton, Ohio with the entire state of Michigan. Now he’s pretty sure New Hampshire is Vermont, which it most certainly is not. If there is a geography test for the democratic party nomination, Biden is screwed. If there isn’t a geography test for the democratic party nomination, democrats are screwed because they’ll end up with a guy whose mind is gone as their nominee.

Biden’s latest embarrassment came as he was visiting Keene, NH this weekend. He was asked what he thought about the town, which should have been a softball question but Biden likes doing things the hard way.

“I bag, I been here a number of times. The last time was, I think, all the way back in 2014, but I’ve been here before,” began Biden.

So far he’s not off to a great start to this answer, but it was about to get worse. And yes, he did start this answer out with the cryptic words “I bag.”

“I love this place. Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it and what a neat town,” replied Biden.

I don’t know, maybe the thing that’s not to like about Vermont is that he was in Keane, New Hampshire, which is obviously not Vermont.

This latest Biden “gaffe” comes on the heels of a pretty devastating last couple of weeks. For someone who is trying desperately to prove his mind is sharp, all he’s doing is demonstrating that he’s so dull he can’t vent cut through butter.

Two days ago Biden wanted everyone to imagine what it would be like if Barack Obama was assassinated. In that same bizarre speech he claimed that 40 people were shot by the national guard at Kent State in the 1970’s when the actual number was 4 killed and 9 wounded.

5 days ago Biden told a small crowd that he remembered when Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated in the late 1970’s despite the fact that both of these figures were killed in 1968.

Two weeks ago Biden told a woman that there are “at least 3 genders” and then he grabbed her forcibly by the arm to tell her that he invented same sex marriage.

A day before that he claimed that the victims of the 2018 Parkland, Florida school shooting came to visit him when he was vice president. He left office more than a year before the shooting.

A day before that he said that people need F-15 fighter jets to keep him from taking their legally-owned firearms.

On August 9, Biden demonstrated how non-racist he is by saying, “Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”

A day before that he declared that he choses, “truth over facts.”

Following the shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH, Biden expressed his sympathy for the victims in “Houston and Michigan.”

Biden kicked the month off at the democratic debates by saying Trump will serve 8 more years and threatening to jail insurance executives for selling drugs.

That’s just the crazy shit that has come out of his mouth in August and there’s still 6 more days to go. Keep in mind that all of this has happened after his people considered limiting his public appearances to keep him from making an ass of himself. Imagine what he’d be like if his campaign let him loose.

Everyone knows that Biden’s mind is shot, Republicans and democrats alike. That’s not even a matter of contention. The real story here is how long the liberal media is going to pretend like Biden is the democratic frontrunner and the guy most likely to defeat President Trump. This guy can’t take out the garbage let alone the sitting POTUS.