Freedom Loving Americans Love President Trump

Written by guest columnist Llewelyn Moss

One of the articles on the Wednesday Breakfast fo the Brain menu was from the news site American Thinker. The article, titled “The Anti-Trump Resistance Is Really against the Deplorables”, highlights why Trump and his supporters differ from the democrats and their voters.

If you happened to watch the Trump Rally in Hershey Pennsylvania, you saw a stark contrast between Trump and his supporters vs. the democrat candidates and their minions.

Trump loves and connects with everyday people, the people that keep this country going. Sure he’s extremely wealthy, owns a crazy huge amount of profitable real estate, and lives a life most of us will never experience. But we don’t care. We’re not jealous that “he has more than me.” We dont sob, “It’s not fair!”

The reason that we’re OK with what the President has accomplished in his private life is because we can tell that he likes what we like. The President likes freedom. He likes people to get a fair chance. He likes boxing and MMA. He likes cheeseburgers and french fries and ketchup.

Compare that with virtually all of the democrats. To them, according to American Thinker, we are: “the average Americans whom Hillary called the “deplorables” and “irredeemables,” and the ones that Barack Obama claimed “cling to their guns and religion and have antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”

They hate that our vision of what America should be, what the Founders designed it to be, is contrary to what they thought was within their reach when Obama promised to ‘fundamentally transform’ this country. They especially hate that we will not bow down to the supposed superiority of the elites, those who have gained control of the levers of power in the bureaucracy, Congress, educational hierarchies, the entertainment industry, and numerous other segments of culture and governance…their hold on power is ebbing away in area after area. For them, it’s a matter of power and control: the Trump presidency must be overthrown.

The democrat elites’ opinion of us today is similar to the way royals of The British Empire viewed the American Colonists. Dirty, backwoods, uneducated, good only for what the government could get out of them, good only to saddle with outrageous taxes, good only to fight the King’s wars.

We know how the Empire’s dismissive attitude toward the hard-working men and women of America turned out. We threw the bums out, and seized our own destiny. And what a destiny it has been. We’ve freed much of the world. We’ve fed much of the world. We’ve cured the diseases of much of the world. The society that evolved from those first colonists has been one unmatched in the annals of human history. And that evolution proceeded apace until…until the socialist, the communist, the fascist, the godless slipped in and quietly took over American society.

We are now living through a period of time in which American people are being forced to individually answer the questions, “What kind of country do you want to live in? What kind of world do you want for your children and grandchildren? Are you willing to fight, to sacrifice, to preserve our Republic?”

Judging by the crowds at Trump’s “Keep America Great” rallies, Americans are declaring loud and clear, “We are ready to fight for you, Mr. President, because you fight for us! We are ready, willing, and able to fight for America!”