ABC Demands Marco Rubio Apologize For Telling The Truth About The Horrible Liberal Media

Recently the United States passed China with the most recorded coronavirus deaths. That is, if you believe China, which the liberal media clearly does. The fake news industry also took great glee in that suspect stat because they think it makes President Trump look bad. Marco Rubio called the media out for this bit of horribleness and ABC’s Jonathan Karl is demanding the Florida Senator apologize for telling the truth about his shit profession.

Want to create outrage on the left? Just follow Marco Rubio’s lead and say something true:

ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl was furious and demanded Rubio name names:

Karl then went on The View to bitch some more and demanded an apology:

It may be a hurtful statement becuases it’s true, but it’s not an outrageous statement, also because it’s true. Keep in mind that Rubio didn’t say everyone on the media was gleeful, just some. And here are some of those horrible media figures now:

Here’s GQ correspondent Julie Ioffe:

Seems pretty gleeful to me, with a side of delight.

Then there’s NBC and MSNBC legal analyst Benjamin Wittes doing the wave that the U.S. has the most recorded coronavirus deaths:

Considering the democrats reaction to impeaching president Trump, maybe that qualifies as “sad and somber” on the left. Still, t the rest of us it comes off as glee & delight.

Then of course there is Muslim comic/podcaster/Obama’s go-to Islam guy Dean Obeidallah poorly containing his glee:

Snark = glee.

Finally: Hillary Clinton is not an elected official, isn’t running for anything, and is on TV constantly so she counts as a media figure and here’s how she celebrated America topping the list of coronavirus deaths:

Obviously Rubio’s tweet was 100% correct so what this boils down to is Jonathan Karl demanding a Republican Senator apologize for telling the truth about the biased douchebags of the liberal media. An industry famous for lying is pissed at someone for telling the truth and that’s the most fake news thing to happen all month.