The Fonz Is Hoping For A Cataclysm To Unite The Country

Republicans have consistently believed in family, God, liberty, security, and prosperity. Democrats to some extent used to also believe in those things but now they are all about BLM, defunding the police, socialism, and transgender supremacy. Liberal actor Henry Winkler doesn’t think his side needs to tone down the crazy, but rather thinks this country needs a good cataclysm to unite the country.

Yes, the country is the most divided since the Civil War, but no, it’s not because people are the right have suddenly changed their basic sets of beliefs. Here’s the Fonz completely ignoring the Liberal Insanity Revolution and searching for a solution to a problem caused by him and his lefty lunatics:

Well gee, aren’t we still in the middle of a cataclysm known as the COVID-19 pandemic? I can’t help but to notice that it has failed to unite the country and in fact has divided us further. The reason for that is because liberals are shit people who have politicized every aspect of it.

Any efforts at the beginning to mitigate the pandemic were deemed racist and xenophobic by the left. Then came the anti-science lockdowns which devastated the economy and ruined a generation of children. Soon after, the mask mandates became the litmus test: wear a mask and you love America, don’t wear a mask and you are a grandma-killer. Trump was blamed for causing the pandemic and Biden was credited with ending it, using the vaccine the former president developed in record time.

There’s no reason to believe any sort of cataclysm would unite the country because the left simply won’t allow it. The reason is, they hate this country and humanity in general. A catastrophe is not a uniting event for liberals, it’s an opportunity to push their whacko agenda and nothing more.

If a super volcano erupted under Yellowstone National Park and wiped out half the population, liberals would blame it on global warming and use it as an excuse for a socialist take-over of the remaining survivors. If a killer meteor was headed for Earth, liberals would blame racism and colonization and use it as an excuse for a racially equitable socialist takeover of America. Basically anything sort of cataclysm will result in liberals demanding a socialist takeover and if you need proof, what are they demanding because of COVID-19?

Fonzie is also wrong that cataclysms unite people. It’s a common enemy that achieves this better. Think back to the 1980’s when there wasn’t the racial strife and partisan divide there is today. During the Reagan-era, Americans were united in their hatred of the Soviet Union and the Islamic Republic of Iran. We were bonded in our disgust of communism and radical Islam.

Iran is still as crazy as ever and communist China is every bit as evil as the USSR. The only difference now is that liberals love communism and jihad. This again points to the fact that unity is impossible in this country because democrats have moved so far left they make our enemies of yesterday look fairly reasonable.

Ronald Reagan once said, “Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

If there were an extraterrestrial alien invasion today, liberals would accuse the Earth Defense Forces of racism and xenophobia, bow to our new alien overlords, and use it as an excuse for a socialist takeover.

You wanna unite the country? Get rid of liberals. Often times the simplest and most obvious solution is the best.