Here in America we worry about democrats trying to take away our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. …
Author: Brian Anderson
In the original Pet Cemetery actor Fred Gwynne’s character said “Sometimes, dead is better.” He was talking about burying a …
The only thing stronger than Trump’s nickname game is his mad trash-talking skill. Democrats try to cut the President down, …
Joe Biden has so many racist gropey skeletons in his closet that he has to come up with something to …
With the Russian collusion narrative completely obliterated the left is back to comparing President Trump to Adolf Hitler. It’s unclear …
Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign is circling the drain and she only has single-digit support among democratic voters. In a move …
If there’s anyone with more worthless opinions on things and junk than Hollywood actors it’s burned-out aging rockers. Guns ‘N …
What’s the difference between a blonde and a viable democratic party candidate for president in 2020? A viable candidate has …
Those darned Republicans are at again, directly quoting a democrat. Muslim Rep. Rashida Tlaib said the the Holocaust gave her …
The worst thing you can do to a democrat is directly quote them. President Trump used Rep. Ilhan Omar’s exact …