Remember kids, it’s only racist if a Republican does it. In Virginia, the governor and the attorney general have some …
Author: Brian Anderson
Last week an insane woman attacked a man for wearing a MAGA hat and was arrested. Now it turns out …
Democrats loves them some unborn baby killing and support abortion right up until the child is about to be born, …
A former Donald Trump campaign staffer is claiming that he kissed her against her will in a story so hard …
Hillary Clinton and the DNC worked tirelessly to submarine Bernie Sanders’ bid for the 2016 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Bernie …
The National Rifle Association is the nation’s oldest civil rights organization and they fight to preserve gun ownership every day. …
Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t even been on the job for two full months yet, but she already thinks she’s …
On Thursday I pointed out the hypocrisy of fake Indian Elizabeth Warren supporting reparations for descendants of slaves but not …
It wasn’t much of a WTF? that Jussie Smolette’s hate crime turned out to be a lie, but the fact …
This is weird. Elizabeth Warren supports reparations for the descendants of slaves, but not for Native Americans. Don’t all the …