California Rep. Eric Swalwell wants to disarm the American people under threat of nuclear retaliation for non-compliance. This is a …
Category: Guns
Eric Swalwell once threatened to nuke all American gun owners who would resist his efforts to disarm them. As a …
Here’s some liberal logic: democrat Beto O’Rourke says that because he owns a gun (maybe) that it qualifies him to …
New Zealand had a mass shooting and in a matter of days passed a massive firearms ban with a fun …
There was a shooting in New Zealand last week in which the killer used a semi-automatic rifle that American liberals …
If Joe Scarborough wants to give advice on managing an enormous forehead or banging a coworker he’s more than qualified, …
The Christchurch, New Zealand shooting has liberals going crazier than usual blaming the actions of deranged man in another country …
One or more people opened fire in a pair of mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing at least 49 people …
If a democrat craps on the Constitution in the woods and no one is around, does it make a sound? …
Democrats are heavily invested in the false narrative that AR-15’s are “assault rifles” that have otherworldly killing powers. They say …