House Democrats Are Probing Donald Trump’s Mental Health

Joe Biden talks to his dead son, can’t remember where he lives, sniffs little girls, and just gave the Taliban an entire country. Yet for some reason the House democrats are probing the mental health of former President Donald Trump. Somebody should let them know that Trump is no longer in office but there is a crazy-ass mofo living at the White House or maybe hiding in his basement in Delaware.

Nancy Pelosi formed a “bipartisan” committee, consisting of mostly-democrats and 2 RINOS, to get to the bottom of the mild Capitol protests of January 6. The FBI has already busted their false narrative that the protests were a coordinated effort of Trump supporters trying to overturn the election results, but they went to all the trouble to form the committee so, as The Hill reports, they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel:

The trove of documents requested Wednesday by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack shows an interest in former President Trump’s mental health and whether he was considering using the military to remain in power.

The committee is zeroing in on the period from Election Day to Inauguration Day and wants agencies to turn over “all documents and communications relating to the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,” which allows the vice president and a majority of Cabinet members to remove the president if they believe he is unfit for office.

Agencies are also asked to relay “all documents and communications related to the mental stability of Donald Trump or his fitness for office” following Jan. 6, when a mob of the Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.

Again, Trump is gone but if they really want to find someone occupying the White House who is mentally unfit to serve, check this guy out:

Biden Says America-Hating Lesbian Couple Represent What America Stands For

Joe Biden Says Kamala Harris Is Going To Be President Very Soon

Biden Says His Dead Son Beau Regrets Pulling Troops Out Of Afghanistan

Thanks to Biden The Taliban Has An Air Force

Unreal! Hidin’ Biden Goes Back To Delaware For More Vacation Time

Biden Says Chaos And Death Were Always Part Of His Afghanistan Plan

Biden Takes 20 Minutes Off Of His Vacation To Blame Trump For Afghanistan

Remember Last Month When Biden Said The Taliban Couldn’t Take Over Afghanistan?

3 Days After Returning From Vacation, Biden Goes on Vacation

Biden Gets Lost On Way Back To The White House

Pandemic Over! Biden Says 350 Million Americans Have Been Vaccinated

Creepy Joe Sniffs Another Little Girl

And that’s just Joe being Joe in the month of August, since his bungling created the crisis in Afghanistan. If anyone’s mental health needs probing, it’s Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. As we’ve seen in the past couple of weeks, his decision making has dire consequences, plus he does have the nuclear codes. The democrats need to learn how to prioritize.

Okay, the House democrats are investigating if Trump’s mental health made him unfit and they will certainly determine that it was. Then what? They impeached him twice, got him kicked off Twitter, and stole the 2020 election from him. What else could they do to him?

Maybe they want to get him banned from McDonald’s because they know how fond he is of the fast food chain. Perhaps the think they can retroactively nullify his presidency so the history books will show no president serving from 2017-2021. Whatever their endgame is, you can bet it’s motivated by petty spite and serves no real purpose.